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Audit Committee

The purpose of the Audit Committee is to advise and assure the Board and the Accountable Officer on whether effective arrangements are in place - through the design and operation of the UHB’s assurance framework.

The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Board & Committee Arrangements

The Committee will meet on the dates below. To access the Committee papers, select the date of the relevant meeting. If you would like to attend a meeting as an observer, or would like any further information, please contact the Corporate Governance Team on 029 2183 6009 or via email

Committee Chair: Rhian Thomas (Independent Member - Capital, Estates & Facilities)
Portfolio Lead: Catherine Phillips (Executive Director of Finance)
Secretariat: Nathan Saunders (Senior Corporate Governance Officer)


David Edwards (Independent Member - ICT)

Mike Jones (Independent Member - Trade Union)

Ceri Phillips (Cardiff & Vale UHB Vice Chair)


2022-23 Meeting Dates

2023-24 Meeting Dates

2024-25 Meeting Dates




Access confirmed minutes here.

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