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The Crisis Resolution Team (CRHT) is a multi-disciplinary community based mental health team which aims to provide a safe and effective home-based assessment and treatment service as an alternative to in-patient care.

The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year for residents of Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan with mental health difficulties who are experiencing an acute mental health problem.

The Crisis Resolution Home Treatment service will:

  • Act as a gateway to Mental Health in-patient services, rapidly assessing people with acute mental health problems and facilitating referrals to the most appropriate service if necessary.
  • Provide rapid, responsive multidisciplinary, community-based treatment 24 hours per day, seven days a week, for people experiencing mental health problems.
  • Ensure that people experiencing acute, severe mental health difficulties are treated in the least restrictive environment, as close to home as clinically possible.
  • Provide intensive treatment in the community as an alternative to in-patient care.
  • Remain involved with the person until the crisis has resolved and the person is linked to ongoing care if required.
  • Be actively involved in discharge planning and provide intensive care at home or other appropriate location to facilitate early discharge

The CRHT will promote continuity and consistency of care and intervention for individuals and their carers, offering a range of approaches and skills usually for no more than 8 weeks. If CRHT input is indicated beyond this, weekly review meetings between CRHT, the person, and the Community Mental Health Teams/GP should take place to ensure the right focus of care.


Home treatment

Home treatment can offer intensive support and high frequency of visits if indicated, this is provided by a variety of professions who are part of the service including; nurses, social workers, psychology, occupational therapy and psychiatrist.

Complimenting this support is the Crisis Recovery Unit, a day service which provides assessment, therapeutic interventions and a safe environment 7 days a week. The Crisis Recovery Unit provides assessment, therapeutic intervention and support, in a non-pressured setting, for people experiencing a mental health crisis. It is designed to provide a flexible and responsive assessment and treatment.

In addition, the team can utilise the Linden House which is delivered in partnership with a third sector provider (Platfform) to provide short term accommodation whilst under the care of the home treatment team. Linden House will provide short term crisis accommodation for individuals with severe and enduring mental illness or who are experiencing crisis in their mental health. The service aims to prevent the possible stigmatization of hospital admission by creating a safe, comfortable and supportive environment that is responsive to individual need. Linden House is a 24-hour service staffed by Support Workers employed by Platfform and will be supported by the Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment Teams.

The CRHT Team accepts direct referrals from various sources including; Liaison Psychiatry (working in general hospitals), Welsh Ambulance Service, Police, Community Mental Health Teams and the 111 Mental Health team. 

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