Alison can be contacted by telephone on 02921 826488 / 07875 565699 or via the switchboard on bleep number 4868. Alison has set up the home care support service and a satellite clinic in a regional hospital which is now run by Sam Evans. She also co-ordinates virtual meetings with Harefield Hospital Transplant Centre. |
Jonathan can be contacted by telephone on 02921 825465 / 07875 565699 or via the switchboard on bleep 4536. Jonathan is co-ordinating the joint CF- Diabetes clinic while Kelly is on maternity leave. Jonathan works part time |
Annette is a senior member of the team who jobs shares with Jonathan and is responsible for the co-ordination of annual reviews Annette can be contacted by telephone on 02921 825946 / 07875 565699. Annette works part time |
Sam is a fulltime clinical nurse specialist. Sam can be contacted by telephone on 02921 825652 / 07875 565699 or via switchboard on bleep 4467. Sam co-ordinates and attends the satellite clinic at Glangwili Hospital in Carmarthen |
Kelly is currently on maternity leave and will be back in June 22. Kelly is your first port of call with any CF diabetes related issues. She can be contacted on any of the above numbers and also on the CNS mobile number 07875 565699 |
Kym joined the team in 2021 and will meet and greet you in clinic and record your observations. She has also taken on responsibility for the majority of sweat tests that need to be performed for Kaftrio monitoring. |
Watch this space! (We are about to recruit 1 new Clinical Nurse Specialist) |
We are usually your first point of contact at the All Wales Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre. There are 7 clinical nurse specialists (CNS), who have either worked on wards caring for patients with CF or as specialist nurses for a number of years, and who have previous experience from a variety of nursing backgrounds. We work as part of the multidisciplinary team. You may see a different nurse each time you come to clinic. Although we are inter-changeable, we each have other specific nursing roles.
The specialist nursing team provide advocacy and psychosocial support when needed, especially at important times such as transition, discussions concerning fertility, family planning, genetic counselling, during pregnancy, and discussions around transplant.
We aim to act as a link between you and primary care/community services and hospital. We liaise with the other members of the team and make referrals to them on your behalf.
IV Treatments - The specialist nurse team also provide home care support particularly for home intravenous (IV) antibiotic therapy. We run an individual competency-based home IV teaching program and initiate home IV’s, providing written information, as well as pumps and disposable supplies for use during treatment, some home IV treatments are available through a homecare company who will deliver the drugs ready made up and ready to infuse in special devices.
We access port-a-caths and pas-ports for routine flushes and at the start if IV therapy, insert long-lines, take blood to monitor drug levels and review patients throughout the course of their treatment. If you need blood tests, these can be done in out-patients, but we can also arrange a home visit to do this providing we have enough staff on duty, or request them to be done at your GP practice.. We will contact you if we need to adjust the dosage of medication following venepuncture.
Annual Reviews - We co-ordinate and manage annual reviews ensuring that you are seen by all members of the multidisciplinary team. We also arrange tests and investigations that are due around this time.
Support & Training - The specialist nurses can provide advice, training, education and support to you, members of hospital staff and other professionals involved in CF care. We have attended European and National meetings to keep updated on recent research and developments within cystic fibrosis and often liaise with specialist nurses from other centres cross the UK.
Patient safety - Patient safety and well-being are our prime concern and we adhere to very strict infection control policies. The specialist nurses help co-ordinate the various clinics with regard to different infections, and consultant availability. We are always available during working hours for any concerns that may arise.
If there is no answer when you call, please leave a voice message. Messages are picked up regularly throughout the day, and we will get back to you.
For general queries or advice, you can Whatsapp or text message the nurses. We aim to respond promptly and will try to ensure that you receive a response within 48 hours. Enquiries sent over the weekend will not be seen until the following Monday at the earliest.
This is NOT an emergency helpline and is not available out of hours, at weekends or Bank Holidays.
If you are unwell or need urgent care, please contact your GP or the CF Ward.