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Medical Biochemistry and Immunology

scientist in laboratory


The Medical Biochemistry and Immunology Department provides a wide range of clinical biochemistry, toxicology and immunology services from its laboratories at the University Hospital of Wales, University Hospital Llandough and Velindre Hospital.

The department currently handles in excess of 2500 samples each day and produces over 5 million analytical results each year.

It provides a service to primary and secondary care in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan as well as supporting tertiary clinical services in Cardiff. These specialist laboratory services, including Supra Regional Assay services, are provided to other laboratories across Wales and the UK. These include peptide and steroid hormones, porphyrins and special immunology tests.

Other national services include Antenatal screening and Neonatal Screening for Wales, regional trace metal and paediatric metabolic services.

The department is a UKAS accredited Medical Laboratory No:8989

Our ISO 15189 accreditation is limited to those activities described on our UKAS schedule of accreditation

Toxicology Flexible scope

The accreditation status of each test however, is not stated on our reports.

We offer a range of Clinical Services and Advice - please see each individual section for further information.

Please contact the laboratory should an SLA be required.

Our Services

 QI-BIO-TXFlexibleScope r6.pdf (PDF, 105Kb)
Notification of Change
Medical Biochemistry Job roles
Contact Information
Acute Biochemistry Services
Antenatal Screening Laboratory
All Wales Medical Genomics Service
Clinical Trials
Endocrinology Laboratory
Electronic Reporting
Metabolic Laboratory
Newborn Screening Laboratory
Porphyria Service Cardiff
Private / Commercial Testing
Specimen Labelling Requirements (non Cardiff & Vale)
Toxicology Laboratory
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Service
Trace Elements
MBI Useful Resources
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