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Our Services and Other Support Available

A range of support, both internal and external, are available for all of your wellbeing needs.  Select the options below to find out more:

Helplines and Emergency Support 
The Employee Wellbeing Service does not deal with urgent or emergency mental health matters. This page provides information about people you can speak to today.

Doing Our Bit

An online platform exclusively for NHS staff featuring a range of fitness workouts that Cardiff and Vale staff can access free of charge.

Use this link to register for the service.

If you are already registered, you can log in using this link

Register using your NHS email address or if you don't have an email address, please send a list of staff names interested to Nicky Bevan at

The Truth Project 

The Truth Project offered victims and survivors of child sexual abuse the chance to share their
experiences and be heard with respect. It is part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

Their contribution will help to make recommendations about support needs, as well as challenging our assumptions of child sexual abuse.


Dewis Cymru aims to provide quality information from a network of social care, health and third sector organisations across Wales on Wellbeing. 

Staff Wellbeing Information for Managers and Staff

Advice and guidance on how best to support staff wellbeing.

Our Wellbeing Matters [English] [Cymraeg]

Wellbeing planning guidance for managers based on guidance from the Kings Fund
organisation and the British Psychological Society: Here 

Advice for supporting staff wellbeing for managers

EWS Counselling Service 

We can offer up to six sessions of counselling, if this is appropriate. 

Other Counselling Providers      

Click here for information on a range of local and national counselling organisations.    

Mental Health Apps

Find NHS approved digital tools to help you manage and improve your health. 

Self Help

Useful information on a range of problems which can affect your emotional wellbeing

Reading Well

Reading Well supports you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading. The books are all chosen and endorsed by health experts, as well as by people living with the conditions covered and their relatives and carers.

Cardiff and Vale Primary Mental Health Support Services (Stepiau)

A Primary Mental Health Support Service for people of all ages. If your GP is not based in Cardiff or The Vale of Glamorgan and you are interested in accessing a therapeutic group you should be able to access this through your local Health Board:  Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHBAneurin Bevan UHBCwm Taf UHB

Exercise Referral

This Welsh Government funded scheme is designed to provide opportunities to exercise that are fun, rewarding and that can be incorporated into everyday life 

Legal Advice

A range of organisations that provide free legal advice and support

Debt Advice

National Charities that offer free debt advice and practical support

Families and Children

The Employee Wellbeing Team can give you information about a wide range of charities, organisations and agencies that support families locally.


Mindfulness is an approach that helps people manage their thoughts and feelings.  A list of useful local and online resouces 

EPP Cymru

EPP Cymru provides a range of self-management health and well being courses and workshops for people living with a health condition.