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Metals - Trace Element Laboratory

The trace element laboratory currently provides a comprehensive analytical and clinical advisory service for a range of specialist tests of trace element status in a range of body fluids including plasma, serum, whole blood, urine, other fluids and tissue.  These are used for nutritional monitoring, industrial monitoring and toxicological diagnosis.

In addition the trace element laboratory provides an essential support service to the Regional Toxicology Unit based at Llandough Hospital.

Information for Patients

These laboratory services cannot be accessed directly by patients - a referral from a GP or specialist doctor is required (depending upon the condition involved). If you have any questions about the services available and how these can be accessed by you or your family, please contact your GP to discuss. They should also have information about the funding of these tests within your area as this varies both within and outside of the UK.

Current Service List

Trace Elements Test Repertoire including prices - available to view or download.


For all enquiries please contact either:   

Paul Bramhall (Laboratory- Senior Biomedical Scientist)
02921 848371

Joanne Rogers (Consultant Clinical Scientist)
02921 826894/02921 84836

Manjot Gill (Clinical Scientist)
02921 826894/02921 848364

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