The Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Service is part of the Department of Biochemistry and Immunology. It provides a service for the monitoring of immunosuppressant drugs in whole blood, particularly for renal transplant patients. The section process over 15,000 samples a year.
Other services provided include:
The immunosuppressant service is provided five days a week and on Saturday mornings. For the other TDMs measurement is available 24/7
These laboratory services cannot be accessed directly by patients - a referral from a GP or specialist doctor is required (depending upon the condition involved). If you have any questions about the services available and how these can be accessed by you or your family, please contact your GP to discuss. They should also have information about the funding of these tests within your area as this varies both within and outside of the UK.
TDM Test Repertoire - view online or download
Katie Hicks
Senior Biomedical Scientist
029 21848372
Dr Schulenburg-Brand
029 21844303
Sarah Tennant (Clinical Scientist)
029 21845863