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Bovine Porphyria

We offer biochemical screening for erythropoietic protoporphyria (Bovine EPP) in Limousin cattle (1) and congenital erythropoietic porphyria (Bovine CEP) in Longhorn cattle (2). A 5-10ml EDTA blood sample is required (please ensure the primary tube is labelled and light protected).

In order to minimise the cost our first-line test is fluoresence emission spectroscopy detection in plasma. If the sample is haemolysed we can screen for protoporphyrin in erythrocytes. If, as is carried out for human patients, you require both plasma and erythrocyte screens please state this clearly on the request form.


  1. G R Ruth, S Schwartz and B Stephenson. Bovine protoporphyria: the first non-human model of this hereditary photosensitising disease. Sciens. 1977;198:199-201.
  2. J N Huxley, R L Lloyd, C S Parker, J R Woolf and B W Strugnell. Congenital erythropoietic porphyria in a Longhorn calf. Veterinary Record. 2009;23:694-5.

Vetinary Laboratories Agency Information Sheet

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