In order to improve the service to our users we have made some changes to our repertoire. Validation/verification of these assays has been performed.
Changes include:
Sweat testing (Chlorocheck) ELF -HA and TIMP ELF score (Centaur) |
MMA (TQSu) |
Organic acids (GCMS 5977B) |
Plasma Metadrenalines (Sciex 6500) |
GAD antibodies (DSX) |
IA2 autoantibody (DSX) ZnT8 (DSX) Anti-mutated Citrullinated Vimentin (MCV) antibodies Thyroglobulin (Alinity) Antiarrythmic drug panel (LCMSMS) Transferrin assay (Centaur) Sickle (TQSu) IMD (TQSu) Salivary Cortisone Galactose -1-Phosphate Uridyl transferase (Gal-1-PUT) Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) antibodies Anti-PLA2R Oestradiol (Alinity) Calculated test of free testosterone (Alinity) |
However some of these assays now lie outside our scope of accreditation as assessed by UKAS. UKAS have been informed and will assess these changes as an extension to scope (ETS) of our accreditation, a number of assessment dates have been scheduled with a plan to complete the ETS in January 2025 during our main assessment visit. This is normal procedure when changing analyser platforms/methodology
In addition the department has removed Very long chain fatty acids, Oxalate and Citrate from its repertoire.