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South Wales Auditory Implant Programme

Welcome to the South Wales Auditory Implant Programme

Here you will find a wealth of information about cochlear implants, bone conduction hearing devices and the services we provide.

If you wish to contact the implant team, please use the following email address, which is monitored throughout working hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30-5:00).

Alternatively, we can be contacted by phone (Tue-Thurs): 02921 844563

Medical Emergency 

If you have a medical emergency please contact your local A&E Department. If you have a medical concern during working hours please contact the Cochlear Implant Team on the contact details above, outside of normal working hours contact NHS Wales 111 Service for advice.


Cochlear Implants

A cochlear implant is an electronic device that stimulates the auditory nerve through electrodes placed in the cochlea of the inner ear, allowing some severely deaf people to perceive sounds.

"For those with severe to profound hearing loss, implantable hearing devices like cochlear implants can be an effective solution"

These devices are considered when people no longer receive any benefit from conventional hearing aids.

For further information on cochlear implants please click here.

To check if this is suitable for your hearing loss please contact our department on: 02921 843179 (text 0780 567 0359) or email


Bone Conduction Hearing Implants

A Bone conduction hearing implant system works on the principles of bone conduction. Bone conduction is a term to describe how sound waves travel through the skull to reach the inner ear. Bone conduction hearing implants require surgical intervention to place an implant in the skull. Sound is detected by a sound processor which is processed and then transmitted through the bones of the skull, bypassing the outer and middle ear directly stimulating the cochlear.

Bone conduction hearing implants are suitable for people who are unable to wear or gain little or no benefit from traditional air conduction hearing aids, including conductive hearing loss, unilateral hearing loss, mixed hearing loss and recurrent outer and middle ear infections

For further information on Bone conduction hearing implants please see links below:

Bone conduction hearing implant information leaflet

Bone conduction hearing implant surgery information

Bone conduction hearing implant patient advice

If you feel that you may benefit from a Bone Conduction hearing Implant or wish to find out more please contact our department on: 02921 843179 (text 0780 567 0359) or email

A Report of Patient Satisfaction of Adult BAHA Service which was conducted in August 2023 can be found here. 


Repairs for your Implantable Hearing Device

Cochlear Implant repairs

When you received your cochlear implant processor you will have been given the manufacturers contact details for when you have a fault or need replacements. Please contact the company directly if you should develop a fault with your processor.   




Advanced bionics (AB)

If however you feel you require further tuning or adjustments to your processor mapping or have any implant related medical concerns please get in contact with the Audiology department on 02921 843179 (text 0780 567 0359) or


Bone conduction hearing implant repairs

If there is a fault with your Bone conduction Hearing aid, require any tuning/adjustments or have any implant related medical concerns please get in contact with the Audiology department on 02921 843179 (text 0780 567 0359) or

We will then arrange an appointment for you or post the necessary equipment to you if possible.



Disposable batteries are available from us and can be requested using our email address or telephone numbers as listed above. However, we recommend the use of your rechargeable batteries when these are provided.


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