Cardiff Breast Centre has been operational at University Hospital Llandough (UHL), since October 2010.
Our purpose-built facilities are solely used by patients with breast problems. There is a large outpatient suite with ten examination rooms, three mammography rooms and two rooms for ultrasound examinations.
There are rooms for the team to work from whilst undertaking outpatient clinics, a central radiology reporting room, a treatment room, two counselling rooms and a fitting room for breast prostheses.
Women over 40 who are referred to us and have not had a recent mammogram, will be invited for a mammogram before their clinic appointment.
All patients will still need to attend an outpatient clinic appointment and any other tests that are required, such as ultrasound and biopsies, can usually be done at the same visit.
On the first floor of the facility, there are offices for all the staff, consultants, breast care nurses, secretaries and junior staff and a fully equipped multi-disciplinary team meeting room.
The breast team is also fortunate to have a dedicated ward for ‘in patients’, Anwen Ward, which has 14 beds available from Monday morning until midday Saturday.
The presence of these facilities has led to a significant improvement in the service we can provide, but during the last few years, we have also seen an increase in the workload.
The Breast Centre is used extensively throughout the week for clinics, diagnostic procedures such as mammograms and biopsies, meetings between patients and Breast Care Nurses, complementary therapy sessions and counselling. A high level of satisfaction is reported by the patients who attend the Breast Centre.