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Corporate Policies

Please note that this webpage is currently being updated. If you are unable to locate a policy within the A-Z, please scroll below the table for additional policies in alphanumerical order.


Generic EHIA for Administrative Type Policies

Risk Assessment Form

Risk Register Template


UHB 001 - Management of Policies, Procedures and Other Written Control Documents 

UHB 002 - Data Protection Policy and EQIA

UHB 005 - Interpretation and Translation Policy and EQIA

UHB 006 - Data Protection Guidance For Researchers and EQIA 

UHB 007 - Remote Access Software Protocol and EQIA

UHB 023 - Risk Management Policy

UHB 024 - Risk Assessment and Risk Register Procedure

UHB 047 - Disclosure of Personal Information to the Police Guidelines

UHB 048 - Internet and Email Monitoring, Administration and Reporting Protocol

UHB 049 - Emailing Patients Template Protocol

UHB 050 - Business Continuity Policy

UHB 051 - Civil Contingencies Strategic Framework

UHB 053 - Major Incident Plan EQIA

UHB 054 - Counter Fraud Bribery and Corruption Policy and Procedure 

UHB 063 - Severe Weather Contingency Plan: Heatwave

UHB 064 - Standards of Behaviour Policy and EQIA

UHB 069 - Safety Notices and Important Documents Management Policy and EQIA

UHB 095 - Severe Adverse Weather Plan: Cold Weather

UHB 098 - VVIP / VIP / Celebrities Guideline for Hospital Treatment

UHB 099 - Research Governance Policy and EQIA

UHB 107 - Claims Handling Policy

UHB 109 - Claims Handling Procedure for Clinical Negligence Claims

UHB 110 - Donations of Organs and Tissues Following Death Policy and EHIA

UHB 111 - Missing Person Procedure - Mental Health Division Inpatient Facility or a Missing Community Patient and EQIA

UHB 113 - Lasting Power of Attorney and Court Appointed Deputy Procedure (Mental Capacity Act 2005) 

UHB 115 - Break Glass Incident Procedure

UHB 116 - Service Evaluation Guidance

UHB 117 - Patient Property Policy and EQIA

UHB 121 - Archiving of Clinical Trial and Research Study Data: Standard Operating Procedure

UHB 126 - Research Study Files and Filing Standard Operating Procedure

UHB 142 - Records Management Policy and EQIA

UHB 144 - Management, Issue and Use of UHB Mobile Phones Policy

UHB 145 - Investigating and Handling Allegations of Research Misconduct Procedure

UHB 146 - Research and Development Human Resource Arrangements for Researchers Working in the NHS

UHB 147 - Informed Consent in Clinical Research

UHB 148 - Intellectual Property Rights Policy and EQIA

UHB 154 - Electronic and Paper Clinical Results Review and Retention Protocol

UHB 156 - Child Visiting Policy in Mental Health Settings and EQIA

UHB 157 - Income Generation Governance and Ethical Framework

UHB 159 - Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) Operational Policy

UHB 160 - Carers Information and Consultation Strategy 2012 - 2015

UHB 161 - Management of Medication Procedure within the Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment Teams (CHRTT)

UHB 164 - Missing Patients from Premises in which the UHB is Providing Healthcare

UHB 183 - Records Management Retention and Destruction Protocol and Schedule (Cymraeg)

UHB 186 - Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Procedure (Mental Capacity Act 2005)

UHB 199 - Guidance for the Care of the Deceased Following an Expected Death and EQIA

UHB 206 - Top-Up Medicines Payments Policy and Procedure

UHB 207 - Performance Management Framework

UHB 208 - Policy for Safe Working with Electricity and EQIA

UHB 214 - Sponsor Assessment Process Guidelines

UHB 215 - Standing Orders and Reservation and Delegation of Powers for Cardiff and Vale UHB

UHB 216 - Model Standing Financial Instructions for Local Health Boards and EQIA

UHB 218 - Management of Fetal Remains, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Policy

UHB 223 - In-house Adaptation, Modification, Manufacture and Repair of Medical Equipment Procedure

UHB 229 - Breastfeeding Policy and EQIA

UHB 236 - Research Audit

UHB 238 - Fundraising Policy

UHB 240 - Capital Management Procedure

UHB 242 - Written Control Documents - Development and Approval Procedure

UHB 246 - CAV Information Governance Policy

UHB 247 - Oversight and Monitoring in Research Standard Operating Procedure

UHB 253 - Safety Reporting in Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs) Standard Operating Procedure

UHB 254 - Information Technology Security Policy

UHB 255 - Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 Procedure

UHB 256 - Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 Policy

UHB 259 - Decontamination of Ultrasound Transducers - Standard Operating Procedure

UHB 263 - Information Governance Transportation of Case Notes and Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Procedure

UHB 264 - Guidance For Transferring a Deceased Baby or Child and EQIA

UHB 270 - Naming of Cardiff and Vale Facilities Policy and EQIA

UHB 273 - Cleaning Strategy and EQIA

UHB 274 - New Procedures Policy and ProcedureEQIA 

UHB 276 - Sonographer Reporting Protocol and Procedure

UHB 279 - Injury Allowance Claim Procedure

UHB 284 - Charge for the Replacement of Lost Hearing Aids Policy and EQIA

UHB 285 - Blood and Platelet Shortage Planning Procedure

UHB 286 - Information Governance Corporate Training Policy and EQIA

UHB 287 - Information Risk Management Procedure

UHB 288 - Data Quality Management Procedure

UHB 289 - Information Asset Management Procedure

UHB 290 - Personal Information Use and Disclosure of and the Duty to Share Guidance

UHB 291 - Dealing with Subject Access Requests under the Data Protection Legislation Procedure

UHB 292 - Crisis Services Protocol for the Emergency Assessment of People with No Fixed Abode 

UHB 293 - Cardiff and Vale UHB & South Wales Police Liaison & Diversion Scheme Protocol

UHB 294 - Adult Inpatient Services Sleeping Out Guidance 

UHB 295 - Use of Lockers in the Llanfair Unit Procedure in the University Hospital of Llandough (UHL)

UHB 296 - Crisis Service Discharge to Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) Procedure

UHB 297 - Confidentiality Code of Conduct

UHB 298 - Data Quality Policy

UHB 299 - Procedure for Supplying Medicines for Patients Transferring to Another Hospital in Wales

UHB 301 - Information Governance Operational Management and Responsibilities Procedure

UHB 307 - Hafan y Coed Adult Mental Health Unit Meeting Room Guideline

UHB 315 - E-DAS (Entry - Drug and Alcohol Services) Operational Policy

UHB 318 - Information Technology Security Access Control Guidance

UHB 319 - Information Technology Security Authorised Users Guidance

UHB 326 - Records Management Procedure

UHB 332 - Concerns (Complaints) and Claims (Clinical Negligence, Personal Injury and Redress) Management Policy and EQIA

UHB 333 - NHS Wales Policy - Making Decisions on Individual Patient Funding Requests (IPFR) and EQIA

UHB 335 - All Wales Internet Use Policy and EQIA

UHB 336 - All Wales Social Media Policy and EQIA

UHB 337 - All Wales Email Use Policy 

UHB 351 - Deceased Organ and Tissue Donation Procedure

UHB 354 - Replacement of Lost Hearing Aid(s) and Appeals Procedure

UHB 355 - Pregnancy Testing of Girls of Child Bearing Age Before Procedures and Treatments Policy and Procedure

UHB 356 - Contractual Clauses and Arrangements Procedure

UHB 357 - Clauses within Employment Contracts Procedure

UHB 358 - Information Technology Security Procedure

UHB 372 - Discharge from Hospital Policy

UHB 373 - Discharge from Hospital Procedure

UHB 376 - Guidance on Completing Data Protection Permissions Co-ordinating Process Governance Checks

UHB 377 - Safety Notices and Important Documents Management Procedure

UHB 384 - Safe Working Procedure for Access to the Hafan-y-Coed (HYC) Gymnasium for Mental Health Service Users within Core Working Hours and Out of Hours

UHB 385 - Hafan Y Coed Emergency Assessment Suite (EAS) Procedure

UHB 386 - Mental Health Assessment When There is a Known Risk of Violence Protocol

UHB 388 - Medicines Management Policy and EHIA

UHB 389 - The Medicines Code

UHB 400 - Business Continuity Planning Guidance

UHB 404 - NHS Wales Prior Approval Policy and EHIA

UHB 406 - Reporting Requirements for Cardiff and Vale UHB Sponsored Research: Standard Operational Procedure

UHB 420 - Information Technology Security IM&T Disposal of IT Equipment Guidance

UHB 421 - Information Technology Security Off-Site Mobile Computing Procedure

UHB 422 - Information Technology Security Anti-Virus Guidance

UHB 423 - Bring Your Own Device (BOYD) Local Procedure

UHB 424 - Information Technology Security IM&T Business Continuity Guidance

UHB 425 - Information Technology Internet Use Local Procedure

UHB 426 - Information Technology Email Local Procedure

UHB 427 - Information Technology Security IM&T Equipment Procurement Guidance

UHB 428 - Information Technology Security Incident (Breach) Guidance

UHB 429 - Information Technology Security Software Licensing Procedure

UHB 430 - Information Technology Security of Assets Guidance

UHB 431 - Information Technology Security IM&T Code of Connection Guidance

UHB 432 - NHS Wales No Purchase Order (PO) No Payment Policy

UHB 434 - Guidance Regarding Assistance Dogs and Other Animals Attending Clinical Areas

UHB 436 - Being Open Policy

UHB 437 - Being Open Procedure

UHB 445 - Capital Ordering Authorisation Protocol

UHB 449 - Data Management for Clinical Trials - Standard Operating Procedure

UHB 450 - Parenteral Nutrition Procedure for Adult Patients and EHIA

UHB 453 - Applying for Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (CAVUHB) Sponsorship Standard Operating Procedure

UHB 457 - Research Governance Standard Operating Procedure

UHW 462 - Welsh Language Corporate Policy

UHB 469 - Accessing Legal Advice and Services

UHB 470 - Risk Management and Board Assurance Framework Strategy

UHB 472 - Declaration of Outside Employment and Clinical Private Practice Procedure

UHB 473 - Declarations of Interest Procedure

UHB 476 - Operational Policy - Department of Liaison Psychiatry

UHB 487 - Financial Procedure for Supporting Non-Commercial Research

UHB 494 - Staff Winter Respiratory Vaccination (Seasonal Influenza / Flu and COVID-19 Autumn Booster) Policy and Procedure - EQIA HIA

UHB 501 - The Armed Forces Covenant Duty Policy

UHB 508 - Cardiff & Vale University Health Board Assurance Strategy

UHB 525 - Cardiff Joint Research Office (JRO) Applying for Sponsorships - Non-CTIMPs Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

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