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Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has its own charity, the Cardiff & Vale Health Charity. The Trustees are the people responsible, under the charity’s governing document for controlling and managing its affairs. They are accountable for the proper management of the charity and its assets and must act prudently at all times in the best interests of the charity and of its beneficiaries. They also have a duty to ensure compliance.
Actual health service bodies are not themselves charities. Only the property held on trust for exclusively charitable purposes constitutes a charity
Corporate trustees manage these charitable funds. In other words, the trustees are also the voting members of the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB). The Board of the UHB acts on behalf of the corporate trustee in the administration of charitable funds. They are not themselves individual trustees. A meeting of the Trustees will be held at least twice a year.
The UHB also has a Charitable Funds Committee that meets on a quarterly basis and is Chaired by an Independent Member of the Board. The purpose of the Charitable Funds Committee is to provide advice to the corporate trustee in the discharge of its duties and responsibilities for charitable funds and to discharge delegated responsibilities from the corporate trustee for the control and management of Charitable Funds.
To access the Committee papers, select the date of the relevant meeting below. If you would like to attend the meeting as an observer, or would like any further information, please email or call 02921 836009. 
Chair:  Charles Janczewski (Cardiff & Vale UHB Chair)
Lead Executive:  Catherine Phillips (Executive Director of Finance)
Secretariat:  Rachel Chilcott (Corporate Governance Officer)

2022-23 Meeting Dates 2023-24 Meeting Dates 2024-25 Meeting Dates


Please click to access Confirmed Minutes.

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