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Radiology Department

UDH provides a comprehensive dental radiology service. Examinations undertaken include:

Intra-oral radiography

A technique where the digital receptor is placed inside the mouth.  It is used when fine detail is required about the teeth and the supporting bone.  It is most often required to help diagnose caries (dental decay) and periodontal disease (gum disease).

Extraoral radiography

A technique where the digital receptor is located outside the mouth. It is generally used to demonstrate more extensive disease affecting the jaws or to help diagnose conditions such as facial fractures.

Cone beam computed tomography

A new low dose X-ray technique that obtains 3-dimensional images of the teeth and jaws.  It is generally used for the management of more complex conditions affecting the teeth and jaws.


This is a non-invasive procedure that is used to investigate swellings of the head and neck.  It is a non-painful technique where an ultrasound probe is placed on the skin surface in order to obtain images.

Ultrasound-guided biopsies of the head and neck

Occasionally, in order to find out exactly what a swelling represents, a biopsy is required. For this technique, a very fine needle is inserted into the swelling under ultrasound guidance to remove few cells.  The cells are subsequently examined in a laboratory in order to make a diagnosis.


A procedure which involves the introduction of a dye into one of the salivary glands. Afterwards, X-ray pictures are taken of the salivary gland. This technique is generally used to diagnose blockages within the salivary glands.


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