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Sponsorship Information

A sponsor is an organisation (or group of organisations) that accepts responsibility for ensuring that there are proper arrangements to initiate, manage, monitor and finance a project. The UK Policy Framework for Health & Social Care Research requires that all research taking place in an NHS or social care context must have sponsor. It is a criminal offence to undertake a clinical trial of an investigational medicinal product (CTIMP) without a sponsor.

Under the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research, a Sponsor organisation must be identified for all research studies. This is usually the employer of the Chief Investigator, the main funder, or, for projects undertaken in fulfilment of an educational qualification, the Higher Education Institution awarding the degree.

The Chief Investigator should identify the Sponsor organisation early in the planning process and gain agreement in principle that they will undertake this role. Researchers who require Cardiff and Vale UHB to act as Sponsor should contact the R&D office via 

A sponsorship assessment will be completed to determine whether the UHB can act as the Sponsor. An electronic signature is required in IRAS from a sponsor representative (R&D office) before submission.

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