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Dementia Training and Development

Close up of a doctor in a white lab coat with a stethoscope.

Dementia is a complex condition requiring supportive care in the right environment. In order that people with dementia receive good quality care, we aim to raise awareness of dementia.

Each Clinical Board in the organisation has at least one Dementia Champion. A Dementia Champions Network was launched in October 2014. At the May 2015 meeting a Dementia Toolkit and dementia training and development options framework was agreed, in response to the Welsh Government mandate.

Dementia awareness is already covered in numerous educational sessions throughout the UHB, we would like to share some of that information with everyone.

We are asking our Clinical Boards to undertake a train the trainer approach in their areas. We also feel that sharing this information wider than our organisation helps us to influence our community on how best to help people with dementia, or their carers.


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