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Workforce and Organisational Development Policies




UHB 008 - Payroll Overpayment/Underpayment Policy and EQIA

UHB 013 - Managing Attendance at Work Policy (Cymraeg)

UHB 020 - Long Service Award Procedure

UHB 025 - Partnership and Recognition Agreement

UHB 042 - Dress Code Policy (All Wales) and EQIA

UHB 043 - Procedure for NHS Staff to Raise Concerns

UHB 057 - Secondment Policy and EQIA 

UHB 058 - Capability Policy and EQIA (Cymraeg)

UHB 060 - Maternity Risk Assessment and Breastfeeding Procedure (Cymraeg)

UHB 061 - Disciplinary Policy and Procedure - (Cymraeg)

UHB 077 - Special Leave Policy-All Wales and EQIA (Cymraeg)

UHB 079 - Values Based Appraisal Procedure (VBA)

UHB 080 - Mandatory / Statutory Training Procedure and EQIA

UHB 083 - Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Policy and EQIA

UHB 085 - Academic Malpractice and Fair Assessment of the Delivery of Credit Based Learning Procedure and EQIA

UHB 087 - Parental Leave Procedure

UHB 102 - All Wales Flexible Working Policy (Cymraeg) and EQIA

UHB 105 - Study Leave Guidelines for Non Medical / Dental Staff

UHB 128 - Disciplinary, Conduct and Capability Policy and Procedures - Medical Staff

UHB 129 - Medical Appraisal Policy and EQIA

UHB 130 - Annual Leave Policy for Career Grade and Medical Staff and EQIA

UHB 132 - Framework for Working with Volunteers and EQIA

UHB 133 - New and Changed Jobs Procedure and EQIA

UHB 166 - Annual Leave Procedure

UHB 169 - Professional Registration Procedure and EQIA

UHB 170 - Relocation Expenses Procedure

UHB 171 - Management of Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Misuse at Work Procedure

UHB 173 - Fixed Term Contract Procedure

UHB 179 - Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Policy

UHB 182 - Organisational Change Policy (Cymraeg) and EQIA

UHB 188 - Reserve Forces, Training and Mobilisation Policy (All Wales) and EQIA (Cymraeg)

UHB 197 - Death in Service Procedure & EHIA

UHB 198 - Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

UHB 211 - Social Media Guidelines

UHB 212 - Employment Break Policy and EQIA (Cymraeg)

UHB 213 - Recruitment and Retention Payment Protocol

UHB 220 - Recruitment and Selection Policy and EQIA (Cymraeg)

UHB 241 - Working Times Procedure and EQIA

UHB 248 - Domestic Abuse, Violence Against Women and Sexual Violence Procedure (Domestic Abuse Procedure)

UHB 249 - Maternity, Adoption, Paternity and Shared Parental Leave Policy and EQIA (Cymraeg)

UHB 250 - New Parent Support Leave and Pay Procedure

UHB 251 - Adoption Leave and Pay Procedure

UHB 252 - Maternity Leave and Pay Procedure

UHB 257 - Shared Parental Leave and Pay Procedure

UHB 258 - Retirement Procedure

UHB 268 - Pay Progression Policy (Cymraeg)

UHB 272 - Healthy Eating Standards for Hospital Restaurant and Retail Outlets

UHB 277 - Upholding Professional Standards Policy

UHB 279 - Injury Allowance Claim Procedure

UHB 280 - Redeployment Procedure - (Cymraeg)

UHB 281 - Trans and Non-Binary Employee Support Procedure

UHB 327 - Safeguarding Allegation / Concerns About Practitioners and those in Positions of Trust Procedure

UHB 339 - Rostering Procedure

UHB 352 - Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Procedure

UHB 415 - Study Leave Procedure for Medical and Dental Staff (not in training) and EHIA

UHB 416 - Recruitment and Selection Procedure (Non-Medical Staff)

UHB 446 - NHS Wales Menopause Policy & EQIA

UHB 454 - Learning Education and Development (LED) Policy

UHB 455 - Adaptable Workforce Policy

UHB 456 - Employee Health and Wellbeing Policy & EHIA (Cymraeg)

UHB 458 - Working Remotely Guidelines

UHB 481 - Retire and Return Procedure

UHB 482 - Unauthorised Absence Procedure

UHB 485 - Supporting Carer's Guidelines

UHB 486 - Consultant Job Planning Procedure

UHB 488 - NHS Wales Respect and Resolution Policy (Cymraeg)

UHB 490 - SAS Grades Job Planning Procedure

UHB 495 - Staff Support Guidance for Mental Health Directorate

UHB 496 - Management of Stress in the Workplace Guidelines

UHB 497 - Microguard Lone Worker Device Procedure

UHB 498 - Guidelines for Managing Industrial Action

UHB 503 - Relationships in Work Procedure

UHB 514 - Off Payroll Working Procedure

UHB 515 - Waiting List Initiative Procedure Medical & Dental Staff

UHB 523 - Staff Support Guidance for Mental Health Directorate

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