At your resource appointment you may be signposted or referred to other specialist
organisations. Below is a list of organisations you may be directed to.
In certain cases, it may be necessary for the EWS practitioner to refer you to your GP for further care.
New Pathways provides a range of specialist counselling and advocacy services for women,
men, children and young people who have been affected by rape or sexual abuse.
Ynys Saff or Safe Island is a sexual assault referral centre where a range of specially trained,
experienced professionals give help, support and advice to men, women, children and
young people, following sexual assault in Cardiff and the Vale.
The PMHSS is a service for people living with common mental health issues- examples
include low mood, feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. You may also access the
service for a specific concern related to your psychological wellbeing.
Cardiff Family Advice and Support brings together a range of information, advice and
assistance for children, young people and their families in Cardiff.
This service provides specialist support for families providing triage and therapeutic
interventions, with a particular focus on families where there is a low-level mental health
need, bereavement, trauma or loss, where there is inter -parental conflict, or the family are
asylum seekers / refugees or have a child with a disability.
The Traumatic Stress Service (TSS) is a specialist service for people experiencing symptomsof PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). If deemed appropriate, EWS practitioners can make fast-track referrals for staff struggling with a traumatic incident if this occurred inwork, when working for Cardiff and Vale UHB. TSS operates as a multidisciplinary service, with access to specialist pharmacological review from a consultant psychiatrist, in addition to the provision of evidence based psychological interventions.