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A range of organisations that provide free legal advice and support.

Citizens Advice Logo

Citizens Advice provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
Concourse University Hospital of Wales on Thursday 10am 1pm Open-Door Drop in Session.
03444 772020 – Adviceline, 02920 871016 - Admin line
To find out more visit


Law Works logo

LawWorks is a charity working in England and Wales to connect volunteer lawyers with people in need of legal advice, who are not eligible

for legal aid and cannot afford to pay and with the not-for-profit organisations that support them.  

They offer free legal advice clinics, free mediation and free casework assistance. Clinics provide free initial advice to individuals with a particular focus on social welfare issues, employement law, housing matters and consumer disputes.
To find your nearest LawWorks Clinic please visit


University of South Wales logo

University of South Wales has set up a new free service in the centre of Cardiff, offering free legal advice by trained Student Clinic Volunteers supervised by practicing solicitors and barristers.
Legal and Financial Advice Clinic
Atlantic House, Tyndall St, Cardiff. CF10 4AZ
Phone: 01443 668600 Email:

For more information visit: