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Strength and balance classes

Strength and balance classes are a great way to improve strength, balance and mobility which can help to reduce the risk of having a fall.  They are also a way to stay active and to meet other people as there is often time at the end of classes to have a cup of tea and a chat.

There are a number of community-based strength and balance classes in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan delivered by qualified exercise instructors.  A variety of classes, both in person and on line enables people to choose a class that is best suited to them.  The exercises are low impact combined with music and gentle warm ups and cool downs.


Elderfit provide classes in Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan.  The sessions are aimed at people over 50 and cater for all abilities.

Cardiff Council Hub’s provide classes both in person and on line.  These include ‘Keep on Moving’ to improve strength, balance and wellbeing as well as Tai Chi classes for older people. 

For further information about strength and balance classes near you, search Dewis Cymru for ‘strength and balance’.


It is recommended that you seek the advice of your GP before starting any new exercise programme.


Further useful information around reducing falls risks, strength and balance exercises, what to do if you fall, and tips on how to stay active can be found on the Trak website, that has been designed by physiotherapists in Cardiff & Vale UHB.

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