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Intergenerational Falls Awareness: Staying Steady Schools

Staying steady schools logo.

A Bevan Commission Exemplar, the Staying Steady Schools project began in 2018, and brought together primary school pupils and older adults, along with University students, for intergenerational falls awareness sessions. The sessions highlight the risks that are associated with falls, and how these risks can be reduced. Engaging children in the delivery of the messages to older adults has enabled this to be done in a fun and interactive way, with some very enjoyable activity for all concerned.

Since then the project has engaged 24 schools throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, with over 500 children taking part, successfully engaging over 250 older adults in their interactive falls awareness sessions. In 2020, the project won an Advancing Healthcare Award, and received the Faculty of Public Health and Public Health England Award for contributions to public health category.

During 2020, the pandemic prevented these sessions running in the original face-to-face fashion, but we have successfully piloted a virtual version so that primary schools can get involved in the project just as easily whilst restrictions are still in place.

The pupils at Lakeside Primary School in Cardiff piloted the virtual version during the start of 2021, and did a fantastic job at demonstrating how the Staying Steady Schools project can still convey the key falls awareness messages and promote strength and balance exercises that older adults should be aware of.

If you would like to take part in the project, or would like support in doing so, please get in touch for more information:

Alternatively, you can follow us and/or make contact through Twitter: @CaV_SSS

Schools Project Resource Pack

‘George’s Race’

Cardiff and Vale UHB have produced a children’s storybook about falls prevention and healthy ageing, based on the Steady on stay SAFE campaign.

It is designed for children and older adults to read and learn about falls together, highlighting the impacts a fall can have and some suggestions for ways to reduce the risks. 

An e-version of the book is available here.

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