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Welcome to the Dialysis Vascular Access Service page.

Here you will find information on the team, the service provided and useful contact numbers. There are also links to patient information booklets on the types of dialysis access available and  patient information videos to show how different types of access are created.

The dialysis access team consists of Vascular Access Clinical Nurse Specialists, Vascular Access Surgeons with a special expertise in dialysis access, Medical Physicist doctors (someone who specialises in scanning veins and arteries), clinic co-ordinators and administrators. The service is responsible for the coordination of the renal access programme within the renal centres in South East Wales. This includes referral, follow up and monitoring services

Ultrasound scan of patient arm












Preserving your veins for any future dialysis access is very important. Click on Save your Vein for tips on how to do this.


If you would like more information on the surgical procedure for creating a fistula, inserting a Tunnelled line or inserting a Tenchkoff for Peritoneal Dialysis. 

Explain my procedure.  is a link to a short video on fistula creation. Explain my procedure TL is a link to a  short video demonstrating a line insertion. Explain my Procedure Tenchkoff is a link to a short video on tenchkoff insertion for peritoneal dialysis.

Understanding what happens before and after your access is created is important and the  EIDO Creation of a fistula discusses this process. If you have any questions, don't forget to write them down and bring them to your next clinic appointment.  Ask 3 Questions campaign is a useful tool when deciding what information you need to make an informed decision. (see poster below).  

The Access team in conjunction with Popham Kidney Support has created an information video discussing dialysis access.  This covers frequently asked questions from current kidney patients and can be accessed here. Vascular Access Q and A

If you are interested in learning more about vascular access, the National Kidney Federation regularly runs online information seminars covering different aspects of kidney care. The Vascular Access Seminar can be accessed here.

For further information on the types of Access available, our Haemodialysis Access Options booklet describes these in more detail.

Clicking on  Haemodialysis Access Options will allow you to access this booklet


For further information contact:                                                            

Dialysis Access Team Office: Ask 3 questions campaign

Tel: (029) 21 8743398

To amend/cancel clinic appointments:

Tel: (029) 21 847084





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