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Cellular pathology is the examination of cells and tissue taken from the body during surgical procedures in theatres, outpatient clinics, GP clinics or at post-mortem examination.

The samples sent to Cellular Pathology are examined prior to processing and microscopically to help determine the diagnosis. For information on how to send samples for examination please click here. For information on how to label specimens prior to referral, please check either the organisational specimen labelling procedure or the departmental specimen labelling procedure.

The Cellular Pathology department in Cardiff and Vale UHB provides both a histological and a non-cervical cytology diagnostic services.

Histopathology involves the examination of biopsies or tissue from surgical resections. Non-cervical cytology involves the examination of cells obtained from body fluids including urine, sputum or needle aspirates from masses.

The Department is UKAS accredited to ISO 15189:2022, Medical Laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence and aims to provide a quality and timely diagnostic and advisory service for patients in the Health Board and local community.

To access our Schedule of Accreditation, please click here

The Cellular Pathology Department also incorporates the Cardiff and Vale Mortuary Service. Those who have suffered a bereavement should contact the Bereavement Office for all matters pertaining to the certificate of death.  For all other enquiries mortuary services can be contacted directly.

There are a number of job roles within Cellular Pathology and Mortuary Services, more information on these can be found here.


Services Provided

The laboratory also undertakes research work on request.

Contact Information

Cellular Pathology Department
University Hospital of Wales
Heath Park
CF14 4XW

Main Contact Numbers/Email addresses

General enquiries:
Mortuary: 029 2182 5314

Bereavement Office: 029 2184 2789
Research work enquiries: 029 2184 4277

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