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The Community Dental Service does not accept self-referrals.  

Both adult and children who meet the CDS criteria requirements, must be referred by their own general dental practitioner or alternative healthcare professional, such as their GP or health visitor should they require treatment in the CDS. 

Patients under the age of 18 years who are classified as able to attend a GDP but have dental anxiety as such that they are unable to attend a general dental practitioner (this will be assessed) can be referred in by the above means also. These patients can then be assessed if meet criteria, for conscious sedation. 

Referrals should be made using the electronic e-referral system for GDPs. 

Other healthcare professionals should use the form below and send to the CDS administrative base.  

Referrals are screened to ensure they are appropriate for our service. Patients are then allocated to the most appropriate clinic for their needs, which may not necessarily be the closest one.

Administrative Base
Type of Referrals Received

Riverside Health Centre
Wellington St, Cardiff CF11 9SH

Telephone: 02920 190175

ALL Cardiff and Vale referrals (for children, special care adults, sedation, domiciliary).


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