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Health and Safety Policies


Immunopenotyping Users Guide

UHB 021 - Health and Safety Policy and EHIA

UHB 022 - Fire Safety Policy and EHIA

UHB 031 - Safe Use of Ionising Radiation Policy

UHB 035 - Violence & Aggression (Personal Safety) Policy

UHB 036 - Minimal Manual Handling Policy and EHIA

UHB 037 - Security Services Policy - EQIA

UHB 038 - Waste Management Policy & Procedure & EHIA

UHB 039 - Handling of Cytotoxics During Pregnancy Procedure

UHB 072 - Asbestos Management Policy

UHB 073 - No Smoking and Smoke free Environment Policy & EQIA / No Smoking and Smoke free Environment Procedure

UHB 088 - Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and Eye Test Procedure and EQIA

UHB 089 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Procedure

UHB 090 - Patient Sling Inspection Procedure

UHB 093 - First Aid at Work Policy

UHB 094 - Thermal Comfort Procedure

UHB 127 - Latex Allergy Policy and EQIA

UHB 143 - Environmental PolicyEQIA

UHB 163 - Control of Contractors Policy

Contractor Policy Appendices:
Appendix 1 - Checklist before the start of contract
Appendix 2 - Management of Low Risk Work
Appendix 3 - Management of High Risk Work
Appendix 4 - Pre Qualification Questionnaire
Appendix 5 - Contractors Information Sheet
Appendix 6 - Safety Rules for Contractors
Appendix 7 - Contractors General Code of Practice
Appendix 8 - Asbestos - Authorisation to Proceed Form
Appendix 9 - Control of Contractors Quick Guide
Appendix 10 - Job Registration Form
Appendix 11 - Fire Safety - Authorisation to Proceed
Appendix 12 - Contractor Monitoring Guide Form

UHB 178 - Violence & Aggression Protocol

UHB 193 - Violent Warning Marker Procedure

UHB 203 - Care of Adult Patients with Capacity and their Carers, Relatives, Visitors who are Violent or Abusive Procedure

UHB 269 - Sharps Management Policy and Procedure

UHB 282 - Decontamination of Reusable Medical Devices Policy and Procedure

UHB 303 - Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy and Procedure

UHB 360 - First Aid at Work Procedure

UHB 361 - Minimal Manual Handling Procedure

UHB 362 - Lone Worker Procedure

UHB 363 - Violence & Aggression (Personal Safety) Procedure

UHB 369 - Water Safety Policy

UHB 380 - Mental Health Clinical Board Lone Worker Protocol

UHB 383 - Environmental Ligature Point Audit and Assessment Procedure for Inpatient Mental Health Services

UHB 418 - Fire Safety Policy Procedural Arrangements

UHB 459 - Latex Allergy Procedure

UHB 460 - Environmental Management Procedure

UHB 466 - Control of Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) Exposure at Work Procedure

UHB 467 - Risk Assessment Procedure - Health and Safety

UHB 477 - Guidelines for the Safe Handling, Checking and Administration of Cytotoxics

UHB 493 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Procedure

UHB 504 - Fire Safety Management Arrangements

UHB 506 - Mental Health Clinical Board Risk Reference Panel

UHB 516 - CF Special Infection Patient Consultation Room / Outpatient Review Procedure

UHB 517 - Fire Safety Procedure - Cardiff Royal Infirmary

UHB 526 - Control of Ignition Sources in Hafan y Coed Procedure

UHB 527 - Fire Safety Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) Policy

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