NHS 111 Wales is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed both online and by directly calling the service for free.
The NHS 111 Wales website provides a range of information on health conditions and illnesses, a symptom checker and guidance on who you can contact for the right care, first time.
You can also call 111 if you require healthcare advice, access to Out-Of-Hours services or access to urgent care, such as the Emergency Unit or Minor Injuries Unit.
If your health condition is urgent, but not life-threatening, then you should phone 111 first before attending A&E.
By calling 111, a call handler will assess your condition and help you get the right help, at the right place, first time. Callers will receive health advice over the phone, and if further assessment is required, a clinician from CAV 24/7 will call you back.
Remember, 999 is available and should only ever be used when there is a life-threatening emergency. So, if it is not a life-threatening emergency, use 111.