1. Name
The group shall be named the Welsh Clinical Network for Paediatric Nephrology (WCNPN).
The purpose of the WCNPN is to enhance the provision of paediatric nephrology care to the children of Wales and their families. It will achieve this by promoting the sharing of good practice between professionals involved in the care of children with kidney disease.
The North Wales hospitals are linked to Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, which provides tertiary care for paediatric renal patients. In South Wales the tertiary referral centre is University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Paediatric nephrologists from the respective tertiary centres hold joint peripheral clinics in DGH’s across Wales.
Membership of the WCNPN is open to anyone involved in the care of children with kidney disease in Wales.
It is anticipated that each hospital in Wales will nominate a clinician to take a lead role in Paediatric Nephrology and act as a point of contact at their unit. The meetings of the WCNPN will be attended by them or a nominated deputy.
Care of children with kidney disease involves a multi-disciplinary team and attendance at WCNPN meetings of nurses, dieticians, social workers, play therapists and psychologists is encouraged and a representative of each group of professionals would be invited to attend.
Other clinical services are also involved in the care of children with renal disease and contributions from paediatric urology, radiology and other teams will be encouraged.
Patient and parent representatives will be co-opted to attend meetings.
Chairperson – Elected for a 3 year term. Voting for the Chairperson will involve members from each of the seven Health Boards having one vote per hospital. Election of the next Chairperson will take place at least six months before the current Chairperson leaves office in order to ensure continuity.
Secretary / Treasurer - Elected for a 3 year term. Voting for the Secretary will involve members from each of the seven Health Boards having one vote per hospital. Election of the next Secretary will take place at least six months before the current Secretary leaves office in order to ensure continuity.
There will be two business meetings each year of which one will include an education afternoon.
Meetings will be quorate if the chair and secretary and 3 other members are present.
The WCNPN will achieve its desired aim of enhancing the care of children with renal disease in Wales by: