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Medical Work Observation Programme

The Medical Work Observation Programme (MWOP) has been organised for Cardiff and Vale Sixth Form students who are interested in studying medicine at University.  Please be aware that the only medical work experience available within Cardiff and Vale UHB is via the Medical Work Observation Programme.

The programme is delivered from University Hospital of Wales and University Hospital Llandough and provides a valuable insight in to the medical profession. 

It is an exciting opportunity for the students to observe ‘real life’ clinical environments, including a variety of theatres, ward rounds and clinics.  Each placement is for four days and during the programme students will take part in workshops including, Simulation/Clinical Skills, Medical School Admissions and ‘Life as a Junior Doctor’.

Student Feedback

Students are asked to complete a reflection log book and feedback about their experiences. Previous comments included:

  • “I found the week very beneficial as I’ve learned a lot and have been made aware of a huge amount of departments in Medicine that I didn’t know existed.”
  • “It has made me more determined to achieve my academic grades as I now know that Medicine is the right choice for me.”
  • “The Medical Work Observation Programme was extremely helpful and interesting. It showed me all aspects of Medicine both good and bad. I have also been made to realise the importance of team work and communication skills.”
  • “The variety of departments we visited allowed me to experience the daily life of a doctor or professional.”

When is it?

MWOP is usually run for three weeks during the summer months.

The dates for MWOP 2024 are as follows:

Monday 1st July – Thursday 4th July 2024
Monday 8th July – Thursday 11
th July 2024
Monday 15
th July – Thursday 28th July 2024

How to apply

Applications for the Medical Work Observation Programme 2024 are now closed.

If you have any queries please email:


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