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Dementia: End of Life

Supporting someone with dementia towards the end of their life can be incredibly difficult, but the period after the death of a loved one can be just as hard. As well as dealing with grief, many carers struggle to adjust to a life where their days are no longer spent caring for someone, as it was such a big part of their life.

Towards the end of George’s life, Jackie was finding it very difficult to cope. George was increasingly dependent on her for support when walking and they had daily carers coming to the house.

George went to Oldwell Court for two days a week for three years, which gave Jackie some respite and enabled her to keep him at home for much longer.


Following George’s death in 2015, Jackie received help from NexusSolace and the Forget Me Not Chorus, as well as her friends and family. She still goes and finds it helpful to be around people with similar experiences, who know what she has been through.

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