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Different Types of Uniforms

You will see many staff when you visit the Noah's Ark children's hospital. Here are some of the uniforms will see and what roles those staff have.

Play therapists - The play therapists wear Turquoise tops. The team are here on week days for most of the day to help you during your stay in a variety of ways. They can help you to understand what will be happening if you are having a procedure or help you to pass the time if you cannot get out of bed while you are getting better.

Physiotherapists - physiotherapists help you get better after an operation. They will help you to walk again or help your chest improve if you have an infection.

Nurses - the nurses are here to help you get better and wear a number of different nurse uniforms on the ward. They will wear green, blue or navy and the student nurses are wearing purple. Specialist nurses wear electric blue. 

Doctors - there will be many doctors helping you to get better. They will be wearing clothes which are called "scrubs" and come in lots of different colours.

Porters - the porters wear red or blue polo shorts and may visit if you need a trip to theatre or x-ray.

Receptionist - the receptionists will wear a light purple tunic top.

Pharmacists - these teams manage your medicines and they wear mint green tunics.

Please note : Currently many staff will be wearing additional face masks gloves, aprons and visors to keep you safe. Parents will also be asked to wear face masks whilst on the children's wards.

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