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Read the latest news on the awards and nominations Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and our staff have received.

Acute Spine Ward Team listed as Runner Up in the SIA Rebuilding Lives Awards

The Spinal Injuries Association Rebuilding Lives Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of individuals and groups in the spinal cord injured community, who inspire others through their work or hobbies or during their rehabilitation.

Award-winning volunteer radio station in the heart of the hospital

Run entirely by a team of committed volunteers, Hospital Radio Glamorgan has been named one of the top three hospital radio stations in the UK for a second consecutive year. The station broadcasts 24/7 from the heart of the University Hospital of Wales.

Cardiff and Vale UHB wins national award for its apprenticeship work

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is delighted to have been awarded Macro Employer of the Year at the Apprenticeship Awards Cymru 2024.

Clinical Nurses Specialists recognised for Developments in Female Health

Endometriosis Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) in Wales have been awarded the Welsh Pharmacy Award for Developments in Female Health. The annual event is an opportunity for pharmacy professionals across a diverse range of disciplines to celebrate innovation and best practice.

Cardiff and Vale UHB teams pick up honours at the Moondance Cancer Awards

Staff from Cardiff and Vale UHB have been recognised in the very first Moondance Cancer Awards for their achievements and innovations in cancer services over the last two years.

Cardiff Neuro-Oncology Centre awarded Tessa Jowell Centre of Excellence status

The Cardiff Neuro-Oncology Centre, which comprises of University Hospital of Wales, Velindre Cancer Centre and Cardiff University, was recognised for its exemplary commitment to service development and improvement

Celebrating staff achievements in our Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics Clinical Board

A physio recognition event was held for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, on 25 April to celebrate Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s clinical staff for their hard work and dedicated service throughout the trying times the last 12-18 months has brought.

Cardiff & Vale UHB's first digital midwife wins the CNO Excellence Award 

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s first digital midwife has received the CNO Excellence Award for her outstanding work transforming services and increasing safety for families.

Nurses recognised at prestigious RCN Wales Nurse of the Year Awards

Eight nurses from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board were officially presented with their 2021 RCN Wales Nurse of the Year Awards this week to recognise their outstanding work.

Collaborative work to improve eye care services wins Glaucoma UK's Excellence in Glaucoma Care award 2022

The Health Board’s Primary Care Optometry and Secondary Care Glaucoma teams, along with Gareth Bulpin, National Architect Eye Care Digitisation NHS Wales, have been awarded this year’s Excellence in Glaucoma Care award for their work to improve eye care for patients across Wales.

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