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Visiting Patients

Over the last week, we have seen a significant increase in Norovirus cases across our hospital sites. As a result of this challenging position, we have made the difficult decision to implement a No Visiting Policy and close the Health Board to all general visiting to manage this outbreak.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board would like to welcome visitors to our sites and we recognise the importance of supporting your family and friends during their stay in hospital.

It is recognised that guidance cannot foresee all requests for visiting nor all patient circumstances. Visits to patients who have an infection or who are currently in isolation due to contact with Covid-19 or other infections may only occur as agreed with the ward staff.

There will be occasions where visiting may be suspended or restricted in these circumstances for the protection of patients, staff and our communities

General Principles

Visitors are asked to please not to visit if they feel unwell. 

Each patient can have two visitors per visit who are a family contact or someone important to the patient. The ward visiting times are advertised on the website.

  • Visits do not have to be pre-booked with the ward
  • We would advise the duration of a single visit should be no longer than 2 hours
  • Visiting after 8pm would be in exceptional circumstances as agreed with the Ward Manger

Please remember to wash or sanitise hands on entering and leaving the hospital and ward.


Patients attending one of our hospitals for an outpatient appointment may have a maximum of two persons accompany them if required. However, we would continue to ask where possible to attend alone or to have one person with you.

Visiting Emergency Unit or an Assessment Department

If you wish to you may bring one person with you. At busy times, we may ask that the person accompanying you temporarily wait elsewhere if there are space constraints in the department.

It is recognised that for Carers and people helping with rehabilitation, for people with learning or mental health needs, the ward should agree an attendance plan with you to ensure you and your family are able to support your loved one.

Attendance Plans

For anyone who is identified as being on a palliative pathway an attendance plan should be agreed with you to ensure you and your family are able to be in attendance as required.

We would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding during what we know have been extremely difficult times for patients and their loved ones. We would like to reassure you that all decisions have been taken in the best interests of the people we care for, the people who work in and visit our facilities, and the community we serve.

Green Zones

Areas where Patient have been admitted for elective surgery. Patients may have 2 visitors for a maximum of a one-hour period each day and the visit must be pre-booked and agreed with the clinical area.  

Our visiting and appointment arrangements stay under regular review.


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