Rhian Hughes from the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) will be sharing why financial wellbeing is important and what money and pension support and guidance is available and how we can support our colleagues.
The session will cover:
We will be hosting 2 webinars on 9th November 2022. If you would like to attend, please sign up using the links below.
Sign up for Webinar 1 (11:30-12:30)
Sign up for Webinar 2 (15:30-16:30)
Healthy Working Relationships Within any organisation, not just the NHS, the first level management role is probably one of the most important. The ability to understand and communicate effectively with a broad range of people is essential. Regardless of role or organisational position, staff can carry influence beyond their immediate team and impact on the delivery of services.
This programme is designed to equip both new and experienced supervisors, team leaders and aspiring managers in Cardiff & Vale UHB with an increased self-awareness and understanding of their personal impact that will allow them to better empower their teams.
Module 1: Organising yourself and others
Module 2: Working with others
Module 3: Developing communication
Module 4: Policies and procedures
Module 5: Creating a positive workplace
Applications are sought from current line managers or those that are about to step into that role from across the UHB. The programme aims to develop the essential skills that all managers need to effectively manage themselves, their teams and their resources.
Participants will gain an insight into the skills required to manage others and have a direct impact on the delivery of safe and compassionate care through improved individual and team performance.
Module 1: Your role as a manager
Module 2: Caring for our patients through good processes
Module 3: Caring for our people and culture
Module 4: Managing our resources
Module 5: Managing our people and culture
To indicate your interest in attending one of these programmes please complete the form here.
ACCELER8 is about connecting leaders together, across boundaries, systems and professions, to solve problems, engage and motivate others, and improve leadership practices. We're not creating experts in any particular area, but exposing participants to a number of different experiences and perspectives, adding an additional layer to their existing knowledge and expertise. We challenge traditional health care systems thinking and through the weaving together of a number of key elements, we want to energise and reconnect participants to their “why” and to that of their organisation or service.
ACCELER8 comprises of 7 modules, each with a specific focus, designed to allow you to develop and refine your own personal leadership skills and qualities. You will be exposed to new ways of thinking, from a range of contexts and identifying ways to make change in our system.
Module 1: Leadership at the heart of everything we do
Module 2: Residential experience
Module 3: Leadership in action
Module 4: Influencing, politics and decision making
Module 5: Innovation and improvement
Module 6: People, culture and safety
Module 7: Taking this forward…