Senior leaders should support their HR practitioners in their attempts to ensure that people-management policies and processes are applied consistently and fairly across the whole organisation.
They need to be clearly signposted on the intranet, with explanatory notes and illustrative examples. Managers might need training in how to apply these policies and processes accurately and fairly. All staff will need to know who to contact in HR if they need help in understanding them.
This might be during a recruitment exercise, although there will also be opportunities when departments or functions are being restructured.
Examples might be a well-being programme for all staff, or a training intervention for all line managers or for a particular group of staff. The evidence will help you to demonstrate what works and what is less successful, which in turn will assist you to use scarce resources in the most cost-effective way.
If line managers are told to behave in an engaging way, but observe the senior leadership team behaving differently, it will be hard for them to know which behaviours to follow.