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Department of Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care | Adran Gaplaniaeth a Gofal Ysbrydol


Welcome to the Chaplaincy Department

Working to provide spiritual, pastoral, religious care as an integral part of a modern healthcare.

Hospital Chaplains - What we do

Hospital Chaplains provide spiritual care to the hospital community. They take their place alongside the multi-disciplinary team which seeks to provide holistic care for patients and those close to them.

Spiritual care is that care which recognises and responds to the needs of the human spirit when faced with trauma, ill health or sadness and can include the need for meaning, for self worth, to express oneself, for faith support, perhaps for rites or prayer or sacrament, or simply for a sensitive listener.

The service we offer is confidential and non-judgemental and is available to everyone. We work in a multi-faith context, but its not just about religion, because even people of no religion, atheists and agnostics sometimes need a listening ear, and Chaplains will make time to visit.

Meet the Cardiff and Vale Chaplaincy Team

Full-time Chaplains:
Rev Jason Tugwell (Chaplaincy Manager)
Father Peter Davies

Part-time Chaplains:
Rev Andy Gibbs
Rev Caroline John
Rev Sangkhuma Hmar
Ps Benjamin Tugwell

Muslim Chaplains:
Imam Farid Khan
Sister Amina Shabaan

Jewish Chaplains
Rabbi Michael Rose (Bank)

Chaplains are supported by our Team of Lay Volunteers. These are people who help with ward visiting and pastoral care.

Contact us

Telephone: 02921 843230

Where we work

The Cardiff and Vale Chaplaincy Team provides care to the following hospitals:

  • University Hospital of Wales (UHW) including the Children’s Hospital for Wales
  • University Hospital Llandough (UHL)
  • Cardiff Royal Infirmary
  • St David's Hospital
  • Barry Hospital  
  • Velindre Hospital

There are worship spaces in most of these hospitals.

Mass is celebrated in the Chapel in Llandough at 2pm on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, and on Mondays and Wednesdays at UHW at 10am.

There is a Chaplain on duty every Sunday, and short bedside services can be arranged for any patient who wishes to share in a service. For patients who are mobile and can make it to the Sanctuary (Chapel) by themselves, prayer and communion services can be arranged in the Sanctuary instead of at the bedside. The Chapels and prayer rooms are open 24/7 for anyone to visit and spend time.

For Muslim staff and visitors, Friday congregational prayer takes place in the Muslim worship areas at UHW and UHL.

Resources and useful links


Bereavement Services
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board COVID-19
University Hospital of Wales Bereavement Booklet
University Hospital Llandough Bereavement Booklet

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