Make an appointment with your GP if you are in pain or worried about a condition. Check your GP opening times over Christmas in case you need to contact them. To contact a GP out of hours please call NHS 111 Wales.
Order any repeat prescriptions in advance to make sure you have enough over the Christmas period. Some pharmacies will be open for limited periods over the bank holidays or may be closed completely.
You can get some emergency prescriptions which will cover you for five days. You will only get one if it is a genuine emergency, it is not a controlled drug (e.g. morphine, pethidine, methadone), you go to the pharmacy in person and it is impossible to see your GP. Please note – there may be a charge for this.
Search for your local pharmacy.
In Cardiff and Vale, you must call NHS 111 Wales first if you need to access the Emergency Unit or Minor Injuries Unit, or if you require urgent care out of hours.
By calling 111, a call handler will assess your condition and help you get the right help, at the right place, first time. Callers will receive health advice over the phone, and if further assessment is required, a clinician from CAV 24/7 will call you back.
If you need to be seen at the Urgent Primary Care Centre (Out-of-Hours), or require assessment at the Emergency Unit or Minor Injuries Unit, CAV 24/7 clinicians will arrange this for you if necessary.
If you are spending time away from home this Christmas, make sure you pack enough medication. It is also important to find out what health services (including GP out of hours) are available in the area you are visiting.
Whether you are cooking at home this Christmas, or reusing leftovers, it’s important to maintain good food hygiene at Christmas by following the ‘4Cs’ of cleaning, chilling, cooking and avoiding cross-contamination.
Learn more about food hygiene on the Food Standards Agency website.
If you get food poisoning, you can usually treat yourself or your child at home. Learn more on the NHS 111 Wales Website.
You can check how many units are in your drinks by using the alcohol units calculator. Never Drink and Drive. When you are out, keep your drink with you at all times, avoid walking home on your own and keep your personal belongings close to you at all times.
South Wales Police are encouraging us to:
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service have put together twelve 'Elf and safety' tips to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
If you need urgent mental health support, you can now call 111 and press option 2.
111 Press 2 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is there to support individuals across Cardiff and Vale who are experiencing a mental health crisis, or are unsure of what help is available to support them with their mental health.
The number is free to call from a landline or mobile and is available for anyone living within the Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
In life threatening situations, please always call 999 or attend the nearest Emergency Unit.
There are a number of local groups who you can contact to access additional support.
Symptoms vary considerably for different mental health conditions, but here are some broader signs that you may need support from your GP:
Seeing your GP is an important step to getting the right support. When you speak with your GP, you should be as open and honest as possible about how you’re feeling – this will allow your GP to fully understand your experiences and get you the right help. Feel free to take a family member or friend along for moral support if you feel like it will help.
Every school in our area has access to a school nurse and counsellor, who are able to support children and young people.
The Chat Health Service is also available for 11-19 year-olds in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. You can text your school nurse on 07520 615718 for confidential advice and support.
Find out more about mental health support for children and young people.