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Youth Board Volunteering

What is the Youth Board?

Our Youth Board was formed in 2018, giving young people in the Cardiff and Vale area a voice and ensuring their involvement in key decision-making processes, change implementation and improving services across the Health Board.

The Youth Board is made up of young volunteers aged 13-25 from a range of backgrounds and communities across Cardiff and the Vale, each bringing their own experience, knowledge and valued opinions to the table for discussion.

We hugely value our Youth Board Volunteers and the fresh perspective they bring to the Health Board; their innovative suggestions and informed opinions give great insight and make a huge impact on the topics they are consulted on.


The power of youth matters…If you’re aged 13-25 why not get involved and make your voice heard! 

Applications to join our Youth Board are now open, with interviews taking place during February Half Term – there’s no better time to apply for this invaluable volunteer role! Apply here >>> 

Youth Board Apply Now

Applications close Friday 10/02/2025. Please submit your application as soon as possible as we reserve the right to change the closing date of this opportunity should there be a substantial number of people interested in the role.

If you need any assistance with your application, or require further support in making the recruitment process more accessible to your needs, please get in touch with the Voluntary Services Team to discuss how we can help you.



Telephone: 029 218 45692
We welcome phone calls in Welsh and English. 


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