Prehabilitation, or “Prehab” describes the steps you and we can take together to improve your physical and mental wellbeing before your operation, this aims to improve your recovery from the operation.
Prehab aims to:
- keep you as safe as possible through your stay
- reduce the risk of complications
- reduce the amount of time you spend in recovering both during your stay in hospital and after you get home.
We have a team of prehabilitation specialists therapists that are involved in preparing patients undergoing major cancer surgery - we try to involve this team with these patients as early as possible, you may have these appointments before you come to POAC.
The Prehab team is located in the Lakeside Building on the UHW site
- At the moment this is for patients with cancer, but the principles apply to all patients, and the information, links and advice on this and linked pages do apply to everyone undergoing an operation. There are many excellent resources linked below.
- Prehab may include
- Seeing a dietician
- Seeing a physiotherapist for exercises and breathing exercises
- Increasing your physical activity