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Bile Acid Diarrhoea

Bile acid malabsorption can lead to a number of symptoms, you may only have some of them. It can make your bowel function unpredictable and erratic leading to frequency and urgency when having your bowels open. Sometimes, stools are pale and greasy and can be difficult to flush away. You may also experience cramp-like abdominal pain, weight loss or offensive wind.

Bile Acid Malabsorption is diagnosed by having a specific scan, called a SeHCAT scan. This advice sheet explains what the scan is, how it is carried out and how you can prepare for a scan.

For more information on what bile acid malabsorption is, how it is contributing to your symptoms and how it is best treated, please read this advice sheet.

If you have been asked to take a medication for this condition called Colesevelam, please read this

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