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We are delighted that you have chosen to work within Cardiff and Vale UHB and we hope you will enjoy your time with us. 

Foundation Year 1

Foundation Year 1 Induction is mandatory and is four full days. Induction is an informal way of meeting other Junior doctors, it will give you an introduction to hospital life and an opportunity to meet Postgraduate and Hospital staff before you start work. The induction covers a number of topics that will later be covered in more detail during the mandatory FY1 teaching programme.

Foundation Year 2 and Speciality Training Induction

Foundation Year 2 and Speciality Training Induction will be on one site for all trainees starting in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Induction is mandatory and is half a day. Induction morning is an informal way of meeting other junior doctors; you will also have an opportunity to meet Postgraduate and Hospital staff before you start work.

The Induction morning includes a number of speakers from different departments providing you with important information.

February Induction

A half day induction with the faculty leads. It is an opportunity to air any concerns and ask questions. General information about the hospital will be given to you at induction.

Departmental Induction

Each speciality should provide a departmental induction covering departmental issues and policies. For further information please contact your directorate office.

Locum Doctors and Out of Sync Doctors

The Department of Medical Education recommends that locum doctors and out of sync doctors visit their local Education Centre to obtain relevant information.

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