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Chronic Pelvic Pain

What is chronic pelvic pain?

It is pain that occurs in the pelvis and last more than 6 months. The pain can come and go in intensity. Sometimes the pain can resolve for some time but to return at a later date. Although pelvic pain can be constant, variable some types of pelvic pain are associated with the timing of the menstrual cycle (related to periods).
Chronic pelvic pain can be very disturbing and can be difficult to type especially if no firm diagnosis has been made.
What are the symptoms of chronic pelvic pain?
Although pain is often difficult to describe many women with chronic pelvic pain describe the following symptoms:

  • severe and steady pain
  • pain that comes and goes
  • dull aching pain
  • sharp pain and cramping
  • pressure or heaviness deep within the pelvis

In addition symptoms can include:

  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • pain whilst having a bowel movement
  • pain whilst you are sitting for long periods of time.

What causes chronic pelvic pain?
There are many causes of pelvic pain which include endometriosis, ovarian cysts, bladder problems and bowel problems. Sadly many women do not find a cause of the pelvic pain. Not having a cause certainly does not mean that the pain does not exist and cannot be managed. A significant proportion of women we see in clinic although do not have a specific cause of chronic pelvic pain are help.
Find out more about the common causes of Chronic Pelvic Pain

How is chronic pelvic pain diagnosed?
The expert you see in clinic will ask you several questions. These will include questions about your general health, questions specific the pain you have. You are likely to be asked about symptoms related to your bowels and bladder function as well as symptoms you may have with sexual intercourse. The expert you see may need to perform additional tests including ultrasound scanning. If you need any additional test these will be discussed with you.
What treatments are available for chronic pelvic pain?
We employ a range of treatment options in our clinic. These include using medication, key hole surgery and psychological approaches. Treatment for chronic pelvic pain are often individualised for you care.
Are there any organisations that offer addition support?
Yes there are several support organisations, some of which provide local meetings for women with chronic pelvic pain to discuss issues surround their pain. Many women find these meetings helpful as they do not feel alone in their suffering.

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