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The initial assessment and review appointments are free and the national recommendation is £2.50 per exercise session during the 16 weeks; these charges can vary slightly on a local basis. 

The National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) is a chronic condition prevention and management programme which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of sedentary and inactive adults who are at risk of developing or who have an existing chronic condition. It provides a 16-week programme of physical activity to individuals referred by NHS health professionals, using behaviour change techniques to embed positive physical activity habits.

Once referred, patients that meet the criteria are invited to their local leisure centre for an initial assessment with a qualified exercise referral professional.  They will be offered a tailored, supervised exercise programme for 16 weeks and their progress will be reviewed at key points.

Local leisure centres across Cardiff and Vale.

Health and Fitness teams in your local leisure centres.

Individuals who have been identified by their Medical Practitioner (eg Doctor) to take up the benefits of participating in exercise can attend. Diabetes is classed as a reason for referral.

You will need to be referred by a registered NHS health professional (usually your GP, Practice Nurse or a condition specific Physiotherapist/Nurse) who will have access to the  NERS referral website.

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