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What does a Dentist do?

Different members of the dental team including dentists, hygienists, dental therapists and dental nurses may be required to deliver your treatment.

When you see your dental professional, for an examination, your mouth, teeth and gums will be assessed, and you will be advised you how to look after them.

At the appointment, the dentist will:

  • ask you about your, medical history and whether you are currently taking any medication (you may be sent some documents before your appointment to complete online)
  • ask about any problems you have had with your teeth, mouth or gums since your last visit
  • carry out a full examination of your mouth, teeth and gums
  • ask about and give advice on your diet, smoking and drinking
  • ask about your teeth-cleaning habits, and give you advice on the best ways to keep your mouth, teeth and gums
  • explain any risks, as well as dental costs of all treatments you may need
  • discuss with you when your next visit should be

As part of your treatment plan, you may be required to see different members of the dental team to improve your oral health.

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