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Service we provide

Our service is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 8.30 – 1700 and Thursday between 8.30 - 15.00.

Initial Assessment

When attending the clinic, the patient is provided an Initial Assessment by one of our Senior Nurses who are trained in conducting a full initial assessment and have links to the support available for Asylum Seekers.

The Initial Assessment (IA) offered by Cardiff and Vale Health Inclusion Service consists of an assessment appointment with a qualified nurse/health visitor. A telephone translation service is available for anyone who needs it.

Information on the NHS in Wales and how to access care will be provided in the client's language where possible.

During the assessment, a health history is discussed and the person attending will be able to raise any physical or mental health concerns they have. A basic examination is done along with the opportunity for the individual to have blood tests which screen for various infections that individuals may have been exposed to if they have journeyed from, or through countries where prevalence of infection is high.

Any immediate health needs can also be addressed, and an appointment will be arranged with a General Practitioner (GP), the Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) or a registered professional with a minor illness qualification. Any urgent necessary referrals to secondary care services will be made as appropriate.

The team will also identify any need and offer immunisations that will protect against infections that are still prevalent in the UK.

Our Health Visitor provides a health visiting service and screening service to Asylum Seeker children aged newborn to 5 years old, newly arrived in Cardiff residing in initial asylum accommodation. Also completing health needs assessments and screening in children aged 5 to 17 years old that arrive in Cardiff in the asylum system with or without their parents.

Alongside this we have a Midwife available to cover all midwifery services for pregnant Asylum Seekers, including full health screening for FGM (Female Genital Mutilation).

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