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Quality Statement

It is the policy of ALAS(SW) to provide a range of services, which meet the requirements of its service users and quality standard parameters, in accordance with the highest professional standards aiming for continual service improvement and service user satisfaction through the involvement and participation of all levels of management, staff and other interested parties. 

ALAS(SW) is commissioned by the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC), who has developed a policy document for the planning of Assistive Technologies for Welsh patients. The policy applies to residents of all seven Health Boards in Wales.

The purpose of the document is to:

  • Set out the circumstances under which patients will be able to access Assistive Technologies services;
  • Clarify the referral process; and
  • Define the criteria that patients must meet in order to access treatment.

This Policy describes the Services available within the remit of the Assistive Technology Service. These Services include the Posture & Mobility Service (Wheelchair & Special Seating); Prosthetic and Amputee Rehabilitation; Orbital Prosthetics and Electronic Assistive Technologies. 

A policy for quality conforming to the requirements of ISO 9001 has been established to ensure that it…

  • Is appropriate to the purpose of ALAS(SW), the expected level of service user satisfaction and the needs of other interested parties
  • Includes a commitment to meeting statutory and regulatory requirements and to continual service improvement
  • Has the resources needed and the contribution of suppliers, contractors and other providers
  • Provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives
  • Demonstrates top management commitment and ensures the quality objectives are communicated, understood and implemented at appropriate levels of the Artificial Limb and Appliance Service
  • Is regularly reviewed at the management review meeting for suitability and effectiveness addressing continual improvement and service user satisfaction
  • ensures patient safety and quality remain at the core of everything we do, allowing staff to be able to provide the most appropriate model of care in the best possible environments to do what they do best day in day out – delivering high quality, safe care.

This policy is approved by the Directorate Manager and is supported by all the levels of management within ALAS(SW).  All personnel shall be guided by the contents of the Business Management System and no deviation from the methods and procedures set down shall be permitted.

Directorate Manager
Artificial Limb & Appliance Service (South Wales)

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