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Stakeholder Reference Group

The purpose of the Stakeholder Reference Group is to encourage full engagement and active debate amongst stakeholders from across the communities served by the UHB.  By doing so, it aims to use the balanced opinions of its stakeholders to inform the UHB’s decision making process.
The full role of the Stakeholder Reference Group is detailed in the Terms of Reference.
Chair:  Sam Austin
Lead Executive:  Abigail Harris
Secretariat:  Gareth Lloyd


Membership (January 2023)

Siva Sivapalan, (Older People Third Sector member) (Vice Chair)

Rhys Burton, South Wales Police

Janice Charles, Vale of Glamorgan Council

Richard Cox, One Voice Wales

Frank Beamish, NHS Volunteer

Shayne Hembrow, Group Deputy Chief Executive, Wales and West Housing Association (Housing Sector member)

Duncan Innes, Cardiff Third Sector Council

Richard Jones, South Wales Fire and Rescue

Zoe King, Deputy Chief Executive, Diverse Cymru (Equalities Third Sector member)

Paula Martyn, Independent Care Sector

Lauren Spillane, SE Wales Carers Trust

Lani Tucker, Glamorgan Voluntary Services

Chris Willis, WAST

UHB attendance at SRG meetings

Abigail Harris, Executive Director of Planning

James Quance, Interim Director of Corporate Governance

Angela Hughes, Assistant Director of Patient Experience

Observer Status


If you would like to attend a meeting as an observer, or would like any further information, please contact Gareth Lloyd at
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