We are dedicated to ensuring transparency, accountability, and integrity in all our operations. Our team is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance to foster trust and confidence among our stakeholders.
For more information and useful resources, please explore the below links:
Meet the TeamCorporate Governance Directorate |
Board MeetingsBoard Meetings are held on a regular basis and are open to the public to observe. This allows the public to see that decisions are made in an open and transparent way. Past and Future Recordings and Papers can be found here |
Board, Committees and Advisory GroupsThe establishment and effective operation of Board Committees and Advisory Groups within the UHB forms a key component of the organisations governance and assurance framework Information on each Committee can be viewed here |
Speaking up SafelySUS is a process to encourage colleagues to speak up to raise concerns safely within a culture where no individual will suffer victimisation or detrimental treatment as a result of speaking up
Policies, Procedures and GuidelinesThe UHB's current policies, procedures, guidelines and Key Documents such as Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instructions and Scheme of Delegation can be found here. |
Register of Interest, Gifts and HospitalityThe Register of Interests includes details of all Directorships and other relevant and material interests which have been declared by all employees of the Health Board.
Annual Reports and AccountsThe Annual Report provides us with the opportunity to share the progress made by the Health Board team with the support of a wide range of stakeholders and the community we serve, towards the achievement of our Annual Plan and the Shaping our Future Wellbeing Strategy. |
Equity and InclusionEquity & Inclusion are issues for everyone. Not everyone starts from the same place. To create a fairer environment and society we must recognise different needs. |
Freedom of InformationThe Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) reflects the government’s commitment to promote greater openness by public authorities Publications, General Right of Access, Complaints and Disclosure Log can be found here |
Social Services & Wellbeing WalesThe Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act is a new law that will give you more of a say in the care and support you receive. Further information can be found on the page |
Wellbeing of Future Generations ActThe aim of the Act is to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales by tasking 44 Public Bodies, including Cardiff and Vale UHB to think about the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change. |