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KSF Outlines and Library

The KSF (Knowledge and Skills Framework) Outline defines the knowledge and skills that staff need to apply in their post.  The outline describes the dimensions, relevant levels and indicators that staff need to demonstrate using evidence they have collated during the previous 12 months.

For a new starter to the organisation or post, the manager/ reviewer will meet with them within 2 weeks to discuss the expectations of them in their role.  During their first year in post, staff will be working to the KSF subset. 

A library of existing KSF outlines is available here (NB- this can only be accressed on UHB PC's)

If you are to develop a new outline the generic post outline matrix will guide you on the full outline levels to be used for each banding.

The KSF Handbook (PLEASE DO NOT PRINT) and Guide to Gathering Evidence are also useful documents.


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