There are still many misconceptions surrounding staff engagement. For example, some organisations think it is something they either do to employees or for employees. They believe if they pull the right levers or push the correct drivers, engagement will increase.
Many think if the employees only had a better manager they would be more engaged. Yet, if individuals think someone else is responsible for their own engagement it leaves them feeling helpless – and even hopeless – in challenging work situations.l
Employees can and should experience the benefits of being more engaged in their work. When individuals take personal responsibility for their own engagement they’re less likely to feel like a victim at work. That said, there are bad managers and toxic workplaces, but if we let external factors rule us, work will never measure up.
Engagement can help us progress in our career and also contribute to our wellbeing. When staff are engaged at work, they have a sense of contribution and meaning, and can leave work with an energy gain as opposed to an energy drain. Engagement builds strong and lasting work relationships and friendships, fosters career development and career advancement, and serves as a positive model of work to our children.
Our engagement is also portable; meaning that if we are in a bad workplace or managed by a difficult person, we can engage fully in trying to change our circumstances or make changes to find or create other opportunities.
A leaflet has been developed to help staff actively engage with change - click here