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Patient and Visitor Information

Close up of nurse scrubs with stethoscope

Infection Prevention and Control is very important to us at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. We aim to ensure that all steps are taken to minimise the spread of infection, advise on appropriate treatment regimes and reassure patients.

Our Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Team includes Specialist Nurses, a scientist, and administrative staff working together with the consultant microbiologist/ Director of Infection Prevention and Control.

Concerned about infections?

If you are a patient at one of our hospitals, or a relative of one of our patients, and are concerned about an infection issue we recommend you speak to the nurse in charge of the ward or department or the medical team who will liaise with the infection prevention and control staff. Should you have a concern please raise it immediately with the ward staff or Senior Nurse for the area concerned.

It is very difficult to answer concerns or address any issues if they are raised months or even years after the event. We also cannot respond to anonymous phone calls as we do need to know who the patient was and where and when they were being cared for.

If you are not a patient or relative of a patient cared for at CAV UHB we cannot deal with concerns about health services not provided by our Health Board. Your family doctor, or Public Health Wales can all give general information about infections.

Our IPC Team spends a great deal of their time on our wards working with clinical teams and patients. As a result, it is not possible for them to see people individually unless an appointment has been made in advance. We would also like to stress that the team does not meet sales reps who call unannounced.

What can you do to help control infection?


  • As our patient you should expect to see us clean our hands before and after we touch you, but if you think we’ve forgotten, it’s OK to ask.
  • Always wash your hands after going to the toilet and before touching food.
  • Tell a member of staff if you notice anywhere that has not been cleaned properly – such as the ward, bathrooms or toilets.
  • If you have a drip, drain or catheter that becomes sore please check with your nurse if it needs changing.
  • Please take the whole course of any antibiotic medicines you are given.
  • If you have diarrhoea it is very important you tell the nursing staff.


  • Please do not visit the hospital if you are unwell with cold-like symptoms or diarrhoea and vomiting symptoms.
  • Please do not sit on any beds. If there are no chairs available please ask a member of staff to provide you with one.
  • Any children visiting must be supervised all the time.
  • Make sure you wash your hands on the ward or use alcohol gel before and after visiting a patient in hospital, and follow advice on notices of side room doors.

See our Hand Hygiene page for further information.

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